Rules and Regulations, Services, e-Resources, Books Acquisitions, and Activities

Please contact the UA Library Office:
(036)-541-8161 local 117
(+63) 905-932-1951

• Fines for overdue books:
₱5.00 – for every hour after 9:00 AM for Reserve books
₱50.00 – per day for Circulation books
• A lost book must be reported immediately to avoid an accumulation of fines.
• Book reported lost/damaged must be paid for or replaced with the latest edition of the same title and of the same author not later than 2 weeks after the librarian has been notified of the case.
• Books checked out must be scanned carefully. Missing pages (if there are any) must be reported immediately to the Librarian or library assistant so that it will not be the responsibility of the last borrower.
• Observe silence. Idle conversations, loud laughter, and other unnecessary noise must be avoided.
• Eating, sleeping, conversing, and doing industrial work are prohibited
• Keep things in order. Push your chair back against the table before going out of the library. Every library user should maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the library.
• Handle books and other materials with care. They are intended to serve other users after you.
• Avoid committing the following: hiding or stealing books or other library property, tearing out pages of the books or periodicals, forging signatures and/or stamped DATE DUE, and tampering with library cards. These misdemeanors are punishable in accordance with the Code of conduct and Discipline of the University as stipulated in the student manual.
• Mobile phones should be set in silent mode at all times inside the library.
• All students are required to deposit their belongings except for valuable items when entering the library. The library is not liable for any losses.
• Every library user is required to voluntarily have his/her things checked before leaving the library. before leaving
• The student must have a validated Library CardLibrary Card/School ID in order to borrow books.
• Present the library card/school ID with the books to be borrowed to the Library Staff assigned at the Circulation counter for proper charging.
• Books in the Reserve Section can be borrowed for overnight use starting 3:00 p.m. PM and should be returned on or before 9:00 a.m. AM the next day. Circulation books can be borrowed for two (2) days. During summer, however, Circulation books can be borrowed for overnight use only.
• Student is allowed to borrow a maximum of three (3) books of different titles at a time.
• Books in the Reserved Section books are issued can be borrowed on a first-come, first-served basis for one (1) hour only. It is renewable for another hour if the book is not in demand.
• The same policy applies to Graduate School students.
• Faculty members may borrow books for a period of one semester except for single copy books.
• Part-time faculty must present a photocopy of their teaching load for the current semester before they can be allowed to borrow books.
• All books are due to be returned at the end of each semester in order to keep the circulation record up-to-date.
• Reference books should not circulate except for class use; once borrowed, they must be returned immediately after use.
• Faculty is allowed to borrow a maximum of two (2) titles per subject taught.
• Book reported lost/damaged must be paid for or replaced with the latest edition of the same title and of the same author not later than one (1) semester after the librarian has been notified of the case. If the lost book is already out of print, the charges shall be the most recent value of the lost book. Faculty are allowed to borrow a maximum of two (2) titles per subject taught.
Circulation Section
It operates in an open shelf system. It contains fiction and non-fiction books that can be borrowed for home use for two (2) days. Borrowing, renewing, and returning books all take place at the Circulation desk.
Reserved Section
It operates on closed shelf system. It contains books of limited copies & oftenly used by students and faculty. Books in Reserved Section can be borrowed one book at a time and maybe renewed for another hour if there is no demand for the book.
Filipiniana Section
This section operates in an open shelf system. It contains all book publications regarding the Philippines and the Filipino culture, works written by Filipinos, written in Philippine languages, and books about the Philippines written by foreign authors.
Reference Section
It operates in an open-shelf system. It contains books of general references like encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, yearbooks, manuals, handbooks, gazettes, and biographical dictionaries. It also contains subject references and special collections. Reference books are for room use only.
Graduate School Library
Graduate school library is an open shelf system. It contains all books for the graduate school students. Theses, dissertations and feasibility studies are also found at the graduate school and these are not for home use nor photocopied.
Serials Section
Single issues and bound issues of current and retrospective periodicals are found in the serial section. Bound periodicals are arranged alphabetically by titles while single issues of magazines and journals are arranged by course program. The periodicals and newspapers are for room only.
Depository Section
• Students using the library will be required to leave their bags, cases, etc. in the depository section. All valuable things such as wallets, calculators, and cellphones SHOULD NOT be left with their things in the depository.
• Students will be issued a numbered chit for the things to be left in the depository area. The same numbered chit will be presented to the library assistant when claiming their belongings.
• Numbered chit reported lost will be the responsibility of the student. Such loss must be reported immediately to the librarian.
• Unclaimed items from the depository will not be the responsibility of the library.
• Students leaving their things in the depository section without actually using the library will be suspended from their library privileges for 1 week.
• Numbered chit reported lost/damaged will be paid ₱50.00.
External campuses are free to design their Depository Section appropriate to their setup.
Technical services are the behind-the-scenes activities that a library undertakes to process library materials. These activities include acquisition, classification and cataloging, mechanical processing, inventory, and selection/de-selection.